Featured Speaker: HOWARD H PRAGER
President of Advance Learning Group and author of Make Someone's Day: Becoming a memorable leader in work and life.
Howard Prager is President of Advance Learning Group and an author, speaker, executive coach, and leadership consultant with a keen understanding of what leaders need to take the next step in their growth. He has received eight professional awards for his work in leadership and team development and is a member of the Marshall Goldsmith MG100. Howard is a sought-after speaker and workshop leader, a sports columnist, and tuba player bringing his varied skills and insights to all his work and is an active volunteer, facilitator, and mentor in higher education, professional associations, and youth organizations. Howard is the author of the popular book, “Make Someone’s Day: Becoming a Memorable Leader for Work and Life.” Website: HowardHPrager.com
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Howard's Gift
Howard Prager is President of Advance Learning Group and an author, speaker, executive coach, and leadership consultant with a keen understanding of what leaders need to take the next step in their growth. He has received eight professional awards for his work in leadership and team development and is a member of the Marshall Goldsmith MG100. Howard is a sought-after speaker and workshop leader, a sports columnist, and tuba player bringing his varied skills and insights to all his work and is an active volunteer, facilitator, and mentor in higher education, professional associations, and youth organizations. Howard is the author of the popular book, “Make Someone’s Day: Becoming a Memorable Leader for Work and Life.” Website: HowardHPrager.com
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